Client Comments

I just wanted to say a big thanks for all the training over the past three days.  It was like getting a 3 year masters degree squashed into 24 hours!  Your depth of knowledge if fascinating and your communication skills are outstanding.  If you should need anything please let me know.  I look forward to working with you in the near future on a Hoshin project."  - - Philip Farrugia, Lean & CI Manager, Methode Electronics, Malta ;


Karen provides not just the experience and understanding that is vital to her training programs, but also the excitement that keeps the participants involved and anxious to implement the techniques that she presents." - - Charles Bruce, Vice President Corporate Quality, Emerson Electric Company


"Karen Roberts does a great job facilitating QFD projects for us-- doing the training, running the actual meetings and assisting in producing the final results. It's great to find a company that jumps in with you and delivers." - - Scott Lovin, Director of Business Improvement, Johnson & Johnson


This was the best class I've ever attended! "   - - Karl Zecman, Kentucky Power and Light


“Karen Roberts created and delivered a great executive session.  One of the best I have ever attended.”   - - Dave Bengston, Vice President Operations, Amgen


"The exercises really helped me apply the theories to real life experience, the whole training session became so clear to me. Thank you!"  - - Jackie Liefer, McDonnell Douglas Corporation


"I thoroughly enjoyed the seminar. They did an incredible job of adapting to a broad spectrum audience. I am interested in participating whenever you conduct your next class. Thanks for a fun and enriching two days."  - - Michael Nye, Lockheed Martin


We offer workshops in all content areas related to organization development and strategic planning.

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